Friday, 2 August 2013

Craft Britannia!

Hi All,

Just a quickie - I'm supposed to be working on my new blog A Very British Editor preparing for its launch and instead I am on Etsy, chatting to virtual friends :P

I am a member of a very active and friendly team on Etsy called Craft Britannia. They're a group of lovely women and men all from the UK who work hard to promote each other and help each other out. They have a great blog, which is also in my blog roll over on the right of this post. Every week they have a Shop of the Week, where they interview one teamie and promote their shop. This week it is a lady called Alice and her shop The Sequinned Sheep.

I'm going to try to post here once a week to tell you who the shop of the week is, and to give them a little love. As crafty enthusiasts yourselves, I hope you will enjoy the opportunity to read about how another crafter uses their skills, and also see some awesome handmade stuff.

So without further ado, I give you The Sequinned Sheep *wild applause*

Interview with Alice on the Craft Britannia Blog

And some knitted eye candy from Alice, just cos I love ya.


  1. Hello,Rebecca:
    I'm Halinka and have got a few questions to You,concerning the polymer face cabochons,which You present on Etsy. Could You contact me by the mail address enclosed to my blog here-it's ... ?
    I'd be very glad to keep in touch with You.
    -Greetings from Sweden-

  2. Hi Halinka, what would you like to know about them? Post your questions here as it might be helpful for other readers too. Rebecca x

  3. Hello,Rebecca:-)
    Nice of You to respond.
    I'd like to order some of Your pretty polymer clay faces,but-I do not have any account on *Etsy*-I do not buy anything there,neither sell my beadwork there.I wouldn't like to create an account on *Etsy* only to buy two,or three 'faces' from You:-))
    That's why,on having found You on Blogger and after having seen them on *Etsy*,I decided to write here in the hope of Your reaction.
    I was looking for 'face cabochons' everywhere I could and it's impossible to get them here,in Sweden,neither in other internet shops,even in the UK,where I was looking for with the special list of the beading shops on 'The UK Beaders'.
    Of course,I could make them-buy the equipment for the polymer clay and 'push' them,but I do not mean to use the tools more times,than once,or twice:-)
    I need two,or three of the smallest ones You have-'slim',delicate faces,probably 3cm 'height',not more,would be ideal: two with the 'body color',maybe only a little glossy,one -delicate silver as I could see on *Etsy*.I need them for the beading purposes,that's why I've given You my e-mail address here, for the possible contact and further details.

    So,my question is still current: Could You accept my order?

    -Warm Greetings from Sweden-



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